Message from the President

Dear Colleagues,

I hope this email finds you all in good health and high spirits as we embark on an exciting year ahead. The Maine Optometric Association (MOA) has a long history of strong leadership and volunteers that are committed to bettering the profession of optometry. Our new MOA Board of Directors is excited to continue this tradition.

The MOA serves as a powerful organization for collaboration, advocacy, and professional development. It relies on the dedication and involvement of passionate MOA members to support the successes of optometrists and improve eye care for Maine. 2024 holds immense promise for the Maine optometric community as we have a unique opportunity to start shaping the future of our profession.

Here are a few ways every MOA member can get involved and contribute to making a difference:

  1. Committee Involvement: Consider joining one of MOA’s committees/task teams that aligns with your interests and expertise. Even if you only have a few hours to give a few times of the year, volunteering for a MOA committee/task team can be a big help.
  2. Advocacy Efforts: Participate in advocacy campaigns, grassroot initiatives and donate to our MOAPAC. As a mentor of mine once said, “If you can’t volunteer your time, the least you can do is volunteer your pocketbook”.
  3. Continuing Education: Take advantage of the association's education offerings throughout the year. The MOA will have three in-person conferences throughout the 2024 year (March-Sugarloaf, June-Bar Harbor, December-Portland) and a virtual educational opportunity in the Fall.
  4. Mentorship & Networking: Engage in mentorship programs and networking opportunities provided by the MOA. These are impactful ways to connect with others and foster meaningful relationships within the Maine Optometric community.

It is both an honor and a privilege to serve as your MOA President for 2024-2026. I am excited to work alongside all of you to achieve our goals for the coming years ahead. Thank you for your MOA membership, dedication to our profession, and passion for patient care. Here’s to a successfully transformative year!

With Appreciation,

Jessilin Quint, OD, MBA, MS, FAAO
President-Maine Optometry Association

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